Shared Gifting

$ 90

Approx. Conversion to SAR: 338
Approx. Conversion to PKR: 24,884

(forex source:

Help provide a customised wheelchair through Zakat or Sadaqah by covering half the cost of the gift. Your contribution will offer essential mobility to an individual with a disability, making a significant impact on their life.​ While shared gifters may not receive personalised videos, your contribution is vital to creating a significant impact.​ All eligible gift recipients are among the most deserving individuals, verified by the Pakistan Council of Persons with Disabilities.

  1. Choose a Zakat or Sadaqa-eligible gift recipient from the dropdown menu.
  2. Order a customised wheelchair through our secure payment gateway. You will receive order and payment confirmation via email and WhatsApp.
  3. We handle everything. From measurements and production to shipping the wheelchair to the gift recipient within 4-6 weeks.
  4. We share a detailed quarterly impact report, showcasing how your contributions are transforming lives.